
Core Curriculum

  • Intro to Media Arts
  • Media Arts I, II, III, IV
  • Video and Audio Technical Production
  • Advanced Film and Television Production
  • Senior Focus

2025 Audition Requirements

Applicants will submit a short film, prior to audition, depicting a scene or story in a non-documentary style based on the following:

  • Length of film: 2-4 minutes long
  • Number of Characters: two
  • Number of Locations: two (1 interior, 1 exterior)
  • Theme: Kindness
  • Story: A character sees a person struggling with a task and then tries to help, with mixed results.

The film must be accompanied by a one-page typed essay (12-point font, Times New Roman) describing:

  1. The process of making the film
  2. How the applicant interpreted the prompt
  3. A description of what will be seen in the film.

The film and essay must be made by the student applying.

The following will take place with guidance on the day of audition:

  • Applicants will participate in a Director’s Notes assignment. A prompt and instructions will be provided. Applicants will access a computer lab to complete the assignment.

    Apply to Audition

    News & Events

    Film Students Celebrate Mississippi Regional Scholastic Awards

    Media Art film students were recently awarded silver keys and honorable mention in the 2025 Scholastic Art and Writing Regional Competition. The competition is held each year to recognize the artistic talentsRead More…

    MSA Student Filmmaker Builds Upon Learned Experiences

    It has been six years since the first Media Arts class graduated from Mississippi School of the Arts. Hundreds of hours of planning, casting, directing, filming, sound recording, shot editing, and specialRead More…

    More News Highlights

    Artistic Instructor

    John Kelly Shelburne, a native Mississippian, holds a BA in film and minor in History from University of Southern Mississippi, as well as an MA in Cinema Studies and a MFA in Film and Television from the Savannah College of Art and Design. Shelburne has given presentations in basic cinematography, transitions of editing, and Walter Murch’s “Rule of Six.” He has served as script supervisor, unit production manager, editor, writer and producer of short films. Shelburne was a host of the SCAD Cinema Circle, a moderator for the Savannah Film Festival and moderator at Film Haven Film Festival in Brookhaven, Mississippi.

    By immersing students in a well-rounded, college-level curriculum of cinematic arts, we are preparing them to be ahead of their freshmen classmates in a university, or ready to work on any film project in the professional workspace.

    Guest Artists

    Media Arts is fortunate to have professional artists conducting masterclasses for our students.

    About Guest Artists
