Core Curriculum
- Acting I, II, III, IV
- Dramaturgy I, II
- Company I, II
- Theatre Play Production
- Movement for the Actor
2025 Audition Requirements
The following will take place with guidance on the day of audition:
- Performance of a memorized dramatic or comedic monologue from a published play (1-minute maximum); cold read; improvisation. Applicants will introduce the monologue by stating the name of the play, the name of the playwright, and the name of the character. The introduction will not count toward the 1-minute maximum allotted time.
- Applicants should not use costumes. Minimal props may be used for the monologue, but only if they do not distract from the quality of the performance.
News & Events
Theatre Students Receive Cash Prizes at Tennessee Williams Festival
Ashley Heathcock Teaches Masterclasses to Theatre and Film Students
Artistic Instructor
Dr. Robert Brooks holds a Master of Arts degree in Theatre from Kansas State University and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Theatre from Louisiana State University, with an emphasis in Dramatic Theory and Criticism. He taught for many years as a theatre generalist at Eastern Illinois University, Tougaloo College and Francis Marion University. He teaches acting, directing, theatre history, dramatic literature/theory, play writing, play production and script analysis. He has directed many theatrical productions at universities, community theatres and the Mississippi School of the Arts.