The Literary Journal is a great opportunity to have artwork and writings published in an exclusive publication by Mississippi School of the Arts. Each spring, students from any of the school’s arts disciplines may submit their best work to be considered for publication. The senior literary department organizes and manages the submissions, designs the layout, and submits for final production.
Call For Submissions
The Literary Arts department at Mississippi School of the Arts invites students to submit literary and artwork for consideration in The Phoenix literary journal
Acceptable genres include:
- Poetry (no more than 30 lines)
- Short stories (max of 2000 words)
- Flash Fiction (300 – 1000 words)
- Personal Essays & Memoir (up to 1500 words)
- Companion Pieces (collaborations between visual and literary works)
- Visual Art (must be scanned)
- Photography (must be digital)
- Visual Cover Art
CLICK HERE to submit work during Call for Submissions. A Moodle account is required for access. Please refer to the press release and calendar of events for submission due date.
The Phoenix Volume 15 (released in 2023)
Purchase your copy of the literary journal from Mississippi School of the Arts by contacting the school’s office. Your purchase helps to support the continuation of the literary journal project.
Price: $10.00 each (pickup). Add $5.00 for shipping anywhere in the continental United States.