
Core Curriculum

  • Introduction to Literary Arts
  • Intermediate/Advanced Poetry
  • Intermediate/Advanced Fiction
  • Playwriting
  • Senior Publication

2025 Audition Requirements

The following portfolio should be submitted prior to audition:

  • Five original, written works: One (1) sonnet, one (1) flash fiction, two (2) free verse poems — (14 to 24 lines per poem); and one (1) short story.
  • The short story should be typed in Times New Roman font, 12 point font size, double-spaced with the applicant’s first and last name in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

The following will take place with guidance on the day of audition:

  • Applicants will participate in an essay assignment. A prompt and instructions will be provided. Applicants will access a computer lab to complete the assignment.

Apply to Audition

News & Events

MSA Students Capture 152 Mississippi Scholastic Writing Awards

Each year, students at Mississippi School of the Arts, as well as other schools across the state and nation, participate in the Scholastic Art and Writing competition. Thousands of submissions are juriedRead More…

MSA Seniors Sweep 2024 William Faulkner Literary Competition

Mississippi School of the Arts congratulates literary seniors who recently swept all three of the winning spots in the WIlliam Faulkner Literary Competition. This marks the first time in the competition’s historyRead More…

More News Highlights

Artistic Instructor

My goal is to encourage and empower our writers to bloom during their time at MSA and beyond.

Guest Artists

Literary Arts is fortunate to have professional artists conducting masterclasses for our students.

About Guest Artists
