Media Arts

Feb 26, 2024 - Mar 2, 2024

MSA Campus
355 West Monticello St.
Brookhaven, Mississippi

Colt Covington has 15 years of experience ranging from work on feature films, commercials, reality tv, small talking heads, political spots, and online content for various companies across various platforms for a variety of products. In these 15 years, he also took on copywriting and scriptwriting, initially helping to write spots, then to editing and punching up scripts for said productions on the spot. In 2018/2019 he won an ADDY for Copywriter of the Year from the AAF. Colt graduated with a BFA in Mass Communications for Radio, TV, Film with a minor in Fine Art. Over these last 15 years his experience between being on the set of feature films to commercials mixed with his copywriting abilities has developed an understanding of marketing through multiple forms, be it visual media or simple written copy.